Arctic Ocean Animals Facts

In 1969 Wally Herbert became the first person to cross the oceans surface from Alaska to Svalbard.
Arctic ocean animals facts. The explorers who came closest to the North Pole reported that the region was covered by a thick polar cap all year round. Arctic Fox - Vulpes lagopus Arctic Hare - Lepus arcticus Arctic Wolf - Canis lupus arctos Caribou Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus Moose - Alces alces Musk Ox - Ovibos moschatus Polar Bear - Ursus maritimus Wolverine - Gulo gulo Dall Sheep - Ovis dalli Ermine - Mustela erminea Lemming - Lemmus lemmus Sea Otter - Enhydra lutris Snowshoe Hare Snowshoe Rabbit. The horn-like spike is actually more like a long tooth that grows from the upper lip.
Facts about Arctic Ocean 7. They are also called the unicorn of the sea. The Arctic summer has daylight 24 hours a day.
In ice-covered regions of the central Arctic Ocean polar cod is a central predator of primary consumers. The humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae is one of the largest aquatic mammals in the world measuring a length of 14 meters with a weight of around 36 tons. Mount Kilimanjaro Facts for Kids The Highest Peak of Africa.
Those are the fast ice polar ice and pack ice. They have the characteristic horn in the front that makes them look like no other sea animal. Arctic Ocean Facts for Kids.
The location of this basin is 15300 feet below the ice. Beluga Whale Delphinapterus leucas. You can find three different ices in Arctic Ocean.
The Arctic summer has daylight 24 hours a day. Arctic ocean animals facts. Polar bears are the largest type of bear.