Conjure Animals 5e Who Chooses

A number of spells in the game let you summon creatures.
Conjure animals 5e who chooses. When a character casts conjure animals the summoned creature or creatures roll initiative and get their own turn and all creatures summoned by that casting of the spell act on the same initiativeessentially giving the caster another turn in combat. The design intent for options like these is that the spellcaster chooses one of them and then the DM decides what creatures appear that fit the chosen option. Conjure animals conjure celestial conjure minor elementals and conjure woodland beings are just a few examples.
Hello Caio Thank you for your message. Conjure animals conjure celestial conjure minor elementals and conjure woodland beings are just a few examples. So if the player wanted a two beasts they couldbe CR 1 but could be lower but it is the player that decides this.
If you want to get that appears you have to choose one of the following options. Four beasts of challenge rating 12 or lower. That is it is the player chooses the number of beasts andchallenge rating desired from those options.
Decent for scouting and utility but of limited use for combat. Blink dogs boggles VGtM pixies andor sprites. When you cast conjur animals you summon one of the following options.
3 A CR 2 creature is a bit weaker than a PC at that point and considerably weaker than a CR 5 or higher opponent. The spell only requires the player to choose one of the following options. Check out the Sage Advice Compendium for the answer which is longer than 140 characters.
I am not going to burn a lv3 spell with a random chance it could effectively be wasted based on DM whim or dice roll If my DM were to enforce this I would most likely choose a different spell to cast that as a less random outcome. For example find familiar gives the caster a list of animals to choose from. You summon fey spirits which take the form of beasts and appeared in an unoccupied space that you can see within a particular range.