Pics Of The Ugliest Animals In The World

Crocodiles are now considered the large animal responsible for the most human deaths in Africa according to the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations though concrete numbers are tricky to gather.
Pics of the ugliest animals in the world. The blobfish was elected the ugliest animal in the world in an online poll that we ran. In 2013 the blobfish was formally named the Worlds Ugliest Animal by the Ugly Animal Preservation Society. Baby hyena definitely have a cute-factor to them but it does not take long for them to grow up and lose that appeal.
We dont even eat them they just get caught in the nets by accident. Many creatures appear to be weird odd and even have an ugly look that would probably kill you while looking at them. Well question is that do any of our readers have already owned any of these ugliest animals as a pet or would like to keep in future.
Aggressive looking with a strange profile and famously eerie vocals the hyena easily fits into this list of misfits and ugly animals from Africa. Most of you will not even give those extremely weird and ugly animals a second look. It lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania and is being driven to the brink thanks to deep sea trawling.
The worlds ugliest animals - in pictures. In the wild the blobfish feeds by opening its mouth floating and simply swallowing edible matter like crabs and sea pens that float nearby. The national animal of Belize Bairds tapir Tapirus bairdii on a a trail in Corcovado National Park Costa Rica.
Being stung by a jellyfish is a good way to ruin your day at the beach but out of 200000 annual jellyfish stings about 40 people are fatally wounded. That is the reason they were once given the title of Worlds Ugliest Animal. It has the most unique noses in the animal world a hairless nose that is a star of 22 fleshy tentacles.
Most of you will not even give those extremely weird and ugly animals a second look. Blobfish Voted Worlds Ugliest Animal PHOTO The blobfish is officially the ugliest animal on the planet. The angler fish Linophrynidae is quite possibly the ugliest animal on the planet not just the ugliest fish.