Warrior Cats Wiki Graystripe

Graypaw is seen very briefly playing with Sandpaw Dustpaw and Ravenpaw.
Warrior cats wiki graystripe. Lionpaw Jaypaw and Hollypaw realize that they are kin to these three new ShadowClan kits. The Official Warrior Cats Wiki. Graystripe is a shaggy big long-haired solid gray tom with broad shoulders a broad face a wide furry headfurry muscular shoulders strong legs a stripe of darker gray fur running down his back a torn left ear a thick bushy tail and yellow eyes.
RiverClan Kittypet Loner Status. Jayfeather Offical Warriors Art. Graystripe is a big sturdy solid dark gray tom with a stripe of darker gray fur running down his back a torn left ear and yellow eyes.
When Fireheart and Graystripe gave ThunderClan prey to RiverClan Cloudkit wanted to come. Warrior Cats IRP Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. 4 - Minimal Heal Lv.
Walk out of camp and you will see Leopardfur Stonefur and Mistyfoot in the bottom right corner. Flametail Flametail is a small ginger tom with bright blue eyes. Briarlight and Mille where in the medicine den.
Fireheart Graystripe and the two WindClan cats are caught trespassing onRiverClan territory and a fight brews. At the end of the book Tigerclaw is then Tigerstar leader of ShadowClan. Warriors Return Graystripe sees that ThunderClans camp has been destroyed and that only the medicine cats den made it through.
Jayfeather is a small thin silky mottled gray tabby tom with blind brilliant clear blue eyes a short slender tail skinny shoulders strong lean muscles and a scar running down one side. At the Gathering Blackstar proudly announces the birth of the three kits. Graystripes Vow is a super edition Warriors book.